Collaboration and Partnership

ABB collaborates with partners in the UK, China, East Asia and beyond to promote research led by disabled people themselves. Lived experience and story-telling are at the heart of our work, as we adhere to the principle of ‘Nothing About Us Without Us’ and believe that disabled people are the true experts in their own experience of disablement. From 2018-23 our trustees worked alongside the University of Leeds to develop the U-Lead East Asia Disability Rights Forum, a project which supported participatory action research by disabled individuals in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

    Interviewing people in the street

Inspiring Change

We continue this ground-breaking work today, supporting further research by disabled people through mentoring, capacity-building and small grants. This research aims at inspiring positive change at different levels, from personal transformation to change at the societal and policy level.

Recent projects include:

– Inclusive employment for people with intellectual disabilities

– Independent living for people with visual impairments

    Man in a wheelchair

From our partners…

“From 2014 to 2016, with the support of China vision, our organisation began to actively explore supported employment for people with intellectual disabilities, establishing the first team of job coaches in China and collecting cases of inclusive employment for people with intellectual disabilities. (…) In our experience, China Vision and ABB trust their partners, putting our needs first while providing necessary intellectual resources and other valuable forms of support over time. This is very important in carrying out innovative forms of disability rights advocacy”